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Thesis Learning Center

The purpose of this Sprout Secondary School project was to assess and implement optimal learning environments for students with disabilities. Disabilities is a broad term that can include intellectual, behavioural, physical and learning disabilities. Sprout school is most beneficial for students with intellectual and behavioural disabilities since they require more dedicated attention and various teaching methods. Every area of the school is designed to be accessible ensuring that all the students have equal learning potential to succeed in this learning environment.


The central parts of Sprout Secondary School are the Learning Centre and courtyard, these are the centre seeds of the school from which everything grows. What differentiates this school from competitors

is that it offers the students a sense of community, break-out

space, and flexible learning. Break-out areas create opportunities

to make new and reliable friends. The Learning Centre offers

a 1:3 teacher-student ratio giving students the more dedicated

attention they require to learn difficult subjects. Flexible

classrooms allow teachers to take advantage of the whole

room, providing an adaptable space to rearrange as desired

for optimal learning. The Sprout brand uses growth to

represent progress and moving forward, as progress no

matter the size is the key to success.


Sprout Secondary School (School Project)

Restraunt Rendering 1

Aki (School Project)

This was a group restaurant project, where first we developed a brand then brought it to life in a built environment. Aki is an aboriginal word meaning land and natural elements. We utilized natural materials to create an inviting, intimate environment

catering to many occasions. Private events, open dinning, and bar atmosphere are just some of the spaces accommodated in this restaurant. The private second level allows Aki to rent small event space for additional revenue.

Retail Elevation

Hugo Boss' three clothing lines sport, casual, and professional were the brand for this retail design. To pull people through the store, the shoes were located on the furthest wall from the entrance, and the professional line is at the furthest point of the store. This was achieved by locating the dressing rooms in the front, middle of the store as a obstacle that customers must maneuver around, in order to view all the merchandise. The front displays of the store, are angled to the dressing rooms to showcase the customers in the change rooms as the window

displays, bringing life to the Hugo Boss brand.


Both the plan and elevation were developed in AutoCAD and

rendered using Photoshop


Hugo Boss (School Project)

Healthcare Rendering
health Care

Rehab Department (School Project)

This rehabilitation floor celebrates accomplishments of each patient while acknowledging that this success will look different for everyone. Alcoves allow places of respite as well as provide a destination objective for patients. Research studies on innovative technologies in rehabilitation revealed the importance of allowing various methods of rehabilitation for the various types of patients. Versatile hospital beds offer flexibility by providing various arrangements including a seat with a guest portion, flat bed, and various degrees for upright seating. An important piece to remember in the rehabilitation journey is that something as

simple as sitting upright can be the challenge for the day,

week or month depending on the injury. 


Since wayfinding is critical to the success of a health care

facility the concept of Northern Lights both brings the

outdoors in and creates intriguing wayfinding that

flows throughout the floor. Murals of nature promote

calmness and well-being of patients.  All while

adhering to stringent hospital regulations to ensure

organization and cleanliness.

Daycare Rendering

The challenge for this child care facility was that the children needed a fun environment but it also needed to present as a mature brand for parents - a fun yet mature resource centre. Alcoves and niches provide fun playful areas for children to explore and spark imagination. While the overall space was kept minimal with careful consideration for storage solutions to present a clean and tidy space. The children, their toys and their imagination bring this environment to life! Careful consideration

for health and safety requirements ensured a safe environment for

both children and adults.

daycare/ children

Resource Centre - Toronto

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